Is Sugar a Drug?


This is an excellent question and comparison that is discussed in a new book, The Case Against Sugar, by Gary Taubes.  Full discloser: I have not read the book (though it is now on my To Read list), but learned about it in an excerpt printed in The Guardian. While taking a stance on whether to classify sugar as a drug …

Happy New Year! #2017


Happy 2017!  It’s a new year and a common time to be a new you.  In fact, a recent Marist poll shows that the number one resolution for 2017 is to be a better person.  Losing weight and exercising more, eating better, improving health, and spending less are most people’s top goals this year. We at Fifty-Seven 57 Dental want …

Are Your Teeth Naughty or Nice?


With the holidays upon us, I wanted to take some time to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and help you decide which holiday treats are mouth healthy and which are not.   A recent online article listed some foods to avoid, and I would like to reiterate and add my own opinions to the list. Alcohol can dry your mouth, so be …

Common Dental Problems


A recent Huffington Post article discussed six common dental problems that we face as we get older.  The good news is that we are all living longer!  The bad news is that we only get one set of teeth, and they age with us.  But more good news: many issues that plague aging dentition can be corrected or prevented.  If you …

Love and Politics


This has nothing to do with teeth, but I found this Washington Post article, written this past summer, interesting and topical, with Election Day coming soon!  No matter your party affiliation, don’t forget to vote!